Frequently Asked Questions
When are dues late and are there penalties?
Dues are considered late after 60 days from the due date. A late fee of $25.00 will be assessed for all accounts that are overdue at 60 days in addition to finance charges that accrue at 10% per annum for both the annual HOA dues and the road assessment.
What is the due date for HOA dues?
The annual HOA dues are due every year on July 1st. The annual road assessment is due every year on February 1st.
Why is there a lien on my house by NWLE?
Liens can and will be placed on all residences once their account has reached an outstanding status of $500.00 or more. The lien will not be removed until the outstanding balance is paid in full.
What are the road assessments used for?
The neighborhood roads are private and maintained solely by the HOA and the homeowners of NWLE. A yearly road assessment of $180.00 is assessed each year and the collected amount is strictly budgeted to repair the most damaged roads on a yearly basis and as needed in between if funds allow.
How much are dues for NWLE?
HOA dues are $90.00 per lot, paid annually. In addition, a road assessment of $180.00 per owner is paid annually. A courtesy invoice for each will be sent out, but it is every homeowners responsibility, regardless of receiving a invoice or not, to stay current on dues.
Can I volunteer for the neighborhood security patrol?
Yes! All homeowners are welcome to take an active interest in our neighborhood security. Contact Bob Goemaat at 405-640-0111 or send an email to to discuss volunteering.
Why is there a cop at the lake or spillway area?
During peak times, typically in the summer or holiday weekends, a cop is hired by NWLE to oversee proper use and safety of our lake and dam area. This is for the safety of our homeowners as well as the preservation of our private property against trespassers.
What do the funds from the road assessments go to?
All money collected for the yearly road assessment is used directly for the road repair and maintenance throughout the neighborhood.
Why did my road get turned into a gravel road?
Road repair is not a quick fix with our budgetary limits. In many cases, the base of a road is not stable enough for immediate repaving or asphalt. In this instance, a road will be packed and laid with gravel and left to pack down for many months to ensure a stronger base. At a later date, the road will be paved to finalize the repair.
Why do we have a yearly road assessment?
Our neighborhood consists of 11 miles of privately owned roads. Repair and maintenance is a constant issue for our neighborhood. A yearly road assessment was proposed and approved in 2015 to provide dedicated funds to this expense.
How much have we spent on the roads from our assessment this year?
You can review the updated roads budget on the records page of this website.
How do I get a key to access the lake?
Homeowner's can obtain a key to the gate at the lake with a $20.00 refundable deposit and by calling Elaine Hayes at 405-373-1548.
What do I do with my key to the lake gate when I move?
Keys should be returned to Elaine Hayes when homeowners leave NWLE. The $10.00 deposit will be refunded upon return.
Can I access the lake if I am not current on my dues?
If a homeowner is delinquent on dues, the rights to the lake area is restricted until the account is brought current.
Can I ski and/or fish on the lake?
Yes! We do not have a fishing restriction, however request that all owners use good sportsman judgement when fishing for large fish or large quantities. Skiing is allowed during daylight hours on the lake. The ski area is to be shared in 30 minute increments if multiple boaters wish to ski during the same time.
Do I need to register my boat for use on the neighborhood lake?
Yes. Every watercraft to be used on the lake is to be registered for $5.00 each year. A decal will be issued and should be placed on the watercraft in the same location as other decals are placed. You can download the registration form from our docs page and contact Elaine Hayes at 405-373-1548 arrange submission for your decal.
Can my friends and family use the lake and dam area?
Friends and family are always welcome in our neighborhood common areas if they are accompanied by a homeowner at all times. There will be no tolerance for name or address usage by guests not accompanied by the homeowner.
What is the minimum square footage required to build in NWLE?
The minimum square footage for new construction is 2000 square feet.
I own a single lot, can I build a home in NWLE?
All homes must be built on a minimum of 3/4 acre. If a single lot is at least this size, then a home can be constructed. If the single lot is not this minimum size, a second adjacent lot is required to meet the minumum to build.